Meet the Author: Daniel Guilfoyle

This week in our ongoing "Meet the Author" series, we spoke with Daniel Guilfoyle, author of From Shrink to Think: A Mental Journey Through the Memory Journey.

Daniel Guilfoyle is a 3-time USA Memory Championship competitor who is capable of memorizing an entire deck of cards in just over a minute, as well as recalling over 100 random numbers in only just five minutes. He is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) in New York. He works and lives in the city of Middletown. He is married to his wife Erin, and they have three cats: Hedwig, Peaches and Willow. In 2016, after only learning these valuable memory skills for just a few months, Daniel was capable of remembering vast amounts of information with superior recall in just a short amount of time.

Describe your book in 25 words or less.
From Shrink to Think. This is a book about memory improvements.

What inspired you to write this book?
I have been practicing memory sports for several years.

Tell us a little about the book writing process.
I spent several months writing this book. I used to write on weekends.

What do you do for fun when you're not writing?
Memory sports

What's the next project you're working on?
A second book on memory improvement.

What advice would you give to an aspiring author?
Write what you are passionate about.

What are you currently reading?
CBT Made Simple

Tell us about one of your favorite books or a book that changed your life.
You Can Have an Amazing Memory by Dominic O’Brien

Who are some of your favorite authors?
John Patterson and Dan Brown

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to learn more about Daniel Guilfoyle and his work, you can find him at

His book, From Shrink to Think: A Mental Journey Through the Memory Journey, is currently available online and in store.


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